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      央媒看临清丨中国日报英文网点赞临清:关爱老年 情暖七夕

      发布时间:2024-08-13 15:57:19  浏览量:1


      2024-08-13 10:56

      The seniors, dressed in vibrant costumes, perform a dance routine. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

      As the Qixi Festival approaches, it's not just the young who are embracing the romance – seniors cherish this time of year too. In honor of filial piety, Linqing's New Era Civilization Practice Center in Liaocheng, Shandong, hosted a special event titled ''Rediscovering Romance: Warm Moments with You''.

      The seniors enjoy a cultural performance. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

      Held at the Senior Support Zone, elderly couples gathered to hear stories of Qixi's origins. The event featured a quiz game where couples reminisced about their years together, sharing laughter and fond memories. The celebration continued with performances of Tai Chi, ballroom dancing, and a duet of "Date at the Mongolian House", bringing the proceedings to a joyful peak.

      The seniors perform a graceful ballroom dance. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

      The event allowed seniors to relive cherished memories while celebrating Qixi in a way that emphasizes love, respect, and togetherness across generations.


      关键词: 中国日报 临清 英文





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