发布时间:2024-04-27 12:10 浏览量:21
AHAP全称Another Hour Another Planet,可以在OHOL中造出火箭前往,在正式版(预定2026年2月)发行之后可以直接购买进入。AHAP使用的游戏引擎和服务器与OHOL是相同的,不一样的是AHAP的游戏内容是由github上的玩家社区群体共同设计并开发的,这意味着现在仍然可以去参与开发AHAP。
All pieces are in place now for the One Hour One Life end game.
You can build a rocket inside OHOL. And coming full circle, you can listen to Tom Bailey's amazing music when you do.
You can ride that rocket to Another Planet, which gives you a Steam Key to let you into the beta test of this exclusive new, unreleased game.
After gaining access to Another Planet, you can specify your own Github account name, and you can also vote for a Content Leader using their Github name.
The Content Leader has full Push access to the AnotherPlanetData Git repository, and the ability to push changes live to the playerbase.
The Export functionality makes it easy for people to collaborate with the Content Leader, submitting sprites, objects, animations, and sounds.
All contributions to Another Planet are tagged with an authorship hash.
When Another Planet is finally released for sale, in February 2026, authorship tracking will be used to divided 60% of the first year's revenue among the players who contributed content to it, based on the portion of the content that each person contributed.
But most importantly... you can now build a rocket. A rocket!