GO Shandong|牡丹之都展国色 五洲四海享天香
发布时间:2024-04-18 01:29 浏览量:13
牡丹,以其艳丽的花姿和富贵的气质备受国人推崇,在唐朝时期被誉为国花。它象征着和平、友谊及繁荣的寓意和气韵,也使其成为我国外交中的重要元素。在古代,中国皇帝便将牡丹作为礼物赠送给外国使节,以示友好及合作的理念。在2024年的今天,被誉为“中国牡丹之都”的山东菏泽以花为媒,让中国文化花开五洲。The peony is highly esteemed by the Chinese people for its exquisite flowers and opulence, and was designated as the national flower during the Tang Dynasty. It symbolizes peace, friendship, and prosperity, and has evolved into a significant component of Chinese diplomacy. In ancient times, as a gesture of friendship and cooperation, Chinese emperors would present peonies to foreign envoys. Today, in 2024, Heze, recognized as the "Peony Capital of China," is making peony a go-between to disseminate Chinese culture to people worldwide.4月12日,2024菏泽牡丹国际传播论坛在菏泽举办。本届论坛在向海外讲述牡丹故事上亮点频出,诚意尽显:On April 12th, 2024 Heze Peony International Communication Forum was held in Heze. This year's forum was brimming with highlights and genuine efforts to share the story of peonies with the world.发布俄罗斯青少年中文空中课堂项目牡丹主题系列课程。早在3月21日,菏泽单县便开展过类似讲座,在线教授俄罗斯学生如何种植和养护牡丹花。通过实物展示、文字图解、现场操作等方式,详细介绍了牡丹的栽植时间、栽植步骤、管理方法等,让广大俄罗斯学生耳目一新。A series of courses with a peony theme was launched as part of the Chinese Classroom in the Sky program for Russian youth. On March 21, a similar seminar was conducted in Shanxian County, Heze, to instruct Russian students on the online cultivation and care of peonies. Through physical demonstrations, written explanations, and hands-on guidance, detailed information on the peony planting season, cultivation steps, and management techniques were presented, leaving a lasting impression on the Russian students.举行保加利亚海外牡丹园建设签约仪式。菏泽牡丹目前共有9大色系、10大花型、1280余个品种、10余处观赏园,开发出牡丹籽油、化妆品等260余种深加工产品,是世界上最大的牡丹繁育、加工和出口基地。菏泽市积极提供牡丹苗木和种植栽培技术支持,助力保加利亚海外牡丹园项目建设,让更多保加利亚民众近距离感受中国牡丹魅力。A signing ceremony for the construction of overseas peony parks in Bulgaria took place during the forum. Currently, Heze boasts 9 color families, 10 flower types, over 1,280 varieties, and more than 10 ornamental gardens. The city has also developed over 260 processed products, including peony seed oil and cosmetics, establishing itself as the world's largest peony breeding, processing, and export base. The government of Heze City has proactively provided peony seedlings and technical support for planting and cultivation to aid in the establishment of Bulgaria's overseas peony garden project, enabling more Bulgarians to experience the allure of Chinese peonies in their own country.组织举办“牡丹花开 菏泽有请”主题活动。立足菏泽市重点国际友城多年来国际交往基础,在俄罗斯奥廖尔市、巴西圣保罗市组织举办主题展示活动为论坛预热,在两地高校、文化场馆展示牡丹绘画、书法、剪纸、图片等作品。The themed event "Peony in Bloom: Welcome to Heze" have been organized. Building upon the foundation of exchanges with international friendship cities in recent years, Heze City has conducted thematic exhibition activities in Orel, Russia, and Sao Paulo, Brazil as a prelude to the Forum. These activities have displayed peony paintings, calligraphy, paper cuttings, and pictures in local universities and cultural centers.推动牡丹文化海外传播站建设,助力中国牡丹更好走向世界,本次论坛便举办了牡丹文化海外传播站马六甲站揭牌仪式。Promotion of overseas peony propagation stations will be emphasized. As part of efforts to introduce Chinese peonies to the global stage, this year's forum included the inauguration ceremony for the Peony Culture Overseas Dissemination Station in Malacca.一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。在不同文明包容共存的今天,菏泽与世界共享牡丹之美,向世界展现一朵花与一座城的真诚与魅力,让瑰丽绝伦的牡丹于世界的百花园里自由绽放。One single flower does not make a spring, while one hundred flowers in full blossom bring spring to the garden. In an era of tolerance and coexistence among diverse civilizations, Heze is sharing the beauty of peonies with the world, showcasing its sincerity and charm. Magnificent peonies will bloom freely in the gardens across the globe.