
发布时间:2024-04-20 00:29  浏览量:18

1819年1月28日,英国人莱佛士在新加坡河口登岸,逐渐将这里从一个小渔村变成一座大海港和现代都市。目前,新加坡有76处国家古迹(National Monument),见证了这里过去200多年的发展历史和多元文化——





除了埃尔金桥(Elgin Bridge)和圣格雷戈里亚米尼亚教堂(Armenian Church of Saint Gregory the Illuminator)之外,我为每一处自己到达的国家古迹都拍摄了照片。

政府大厦前的大草场The Padang

政府大厦 Former City Hall

最高法院大厦 Former Supreme Court

维多利亚剧院及音乐厅Victoria Theatre and Concert Hall

旧国会大厦(现为艺术之家)Former Parliament House and Annex Building(now The Arts House)

旧总检察署 Former Attorney-Generals Chambers

加文纳桥 Cavenagh Bridge

安德逊桥 Anderson Bridge

海滨公园纪念碑群 Esplanade Park Memorials

前皇后坊大厦(现为亚洲文明博物馆)Former Empress Place Building(now Asian Civilisations Museum)

新加坡国家博物馆 National Museum of Singapore

前圣约瑟书院(现为新加坡美术馆) Former Saint Joseph's Institution (now Singapore Art Museum)

前道南学校(土生文化馆)Former Tao Nan School (now The Peranakan Museum)

前浮尔顿大厦(现为富丽敦酒店)Former Fullerton Building(now The Fullerton Hotel)

莱佛士酒店 Raffles Hotel

良木园大酒店 Goodwood Park Hotel (Tower Block)

旧禧街警察局 Former Hill Street Police Station

中央消防局 Central Fire Station

日本占领时期死难人民纪念碑 Civilian War Memorial

前直落亚逸集市(现为老巴刹) Former Telok Ayer Market(now known as Lau Pa Sat)

.圣安德烈座堂 Saint Andrew's Cathedral


善牧主教座堂Cathedral of the Good Shepherd

圣若瑟堂St Joseph's Church

圣伯多禄圣保禄堂 Church of St Peter and St Paul

露德圣母堂 Church of Our Lady of Lourdes

马海阿贝犹太庙 Maghain Aboth Synagogue

圣诺犹太庙 Chesed-El Synagogue

凤山寺 Hong San See

粤海清庙 Yueh Hai Ching Temple

天福宫 Thian Hock Keng

前庆德楼(现为玉皇宫) Former Keng Teck Whay Building(now Temple of the Heavenly Jade Emperor)

阿尔阿布拉回教堂 Al-Abrar Mosque

纳哥德卡殿 Former Nagore Dargah

马里安曼兴都庙 Sri Mariamman Temple

詹美回教堂 Jamae Mosque

应和会馆 Ying Fo Fui Kun

旧同济医院 Former Thong Chai Medical Institution

陈氏宗祠 Tan Si Chong Su

陈旭年宅第Former House of Tan Yeok Nee

麦唐纳大厦 MacDonald Hous

国泰大厦Cathay Building

晚晴园(孙中山南洋纪念馆)Sun Yat Sen Villa (Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall)

.陈德源大楼 Tan Teck Guan Building

医药学院大厦 College of Medicine Building

中央医院博物馆 Bowyer Block

新加坡总统府与斯里淡马锡楼 The Istana and Sri Temasek

丹达乌他帕尼兴都庙 Sri Thendayuthapani Temple

斯里尼瓦沙柏鲁马庙 Sri Srinivasa Perumal Temple

阿督卡夫回教堂 Abdul Gafoor Mosque

哈贾·法蒂玛回教堂 Hajjah Fatimah Mosque

.苏丹回教堂 Sultan Mosque

甘榜格南皇宫 Istana Kampong Gelam
